Shakti Maal

Descendiente de estirpe teatral, conforma la 5 generación en una familia de actores, escritores, directores y diseñadores en todas las áreas de las artes escénicas. Hace su debut oficial en el teatro, con 8 años de edad, en el musical “El violinista sobre el tejado” dirigido por Michael Haussman y a partir de entonces comienza […]

Carla Valina

Carla was born and raised in the beautiful city of Buenos Aires, Argentina and moved to the States at the age of 19. After getting her English proficiency certification from the University of Miami, Carla decided to further pursue her career in Los Angeles where she graduated with a B.F.A. in Performing Arts from the […]

Hannah Ghelman

Hannah Ghelman is a B.A. Communications major from “Universidad Católica Andres Bello” and has developed her acting career at Miami-Dade College’s Prometeo Professional Actor Training Program since 2008. This Hispanic actress is also passionate about writing. Currently she resides in Miami, where she has appeared in Infieles, as part of the XXVII International Hispanic Theatre […]

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